What is the NCEA IFG program?

What is the NCEA IFG program?

Welcome to the NCEA National Catholic Education Administration (NCEA) Information for Growth (IFG) program.  The IFG program consists of a child/youth program called the ACRE (Assessment of Child/Youth Religious Education) and an adult IFG Adult Survey assessment program.  These assessment tools assist schools and parishes evaluate their religious education and professional development programs.  Catholic Faith Technologies (CFT) provides the technology platform and client support for the IFG and ACRE programs.  Contact client support at help@nceaifg.com  or (800) 707-NCEA (6232).  Support requests are handled during normal business hours in the central time zone.
To get started, consider the following roles to determine who will fulfill the role as needed.  Please note that one user may be assigned a combination of roles.  Roles will be assigned as each user registers for an account or an account is created for them.  All users have the basic User role.

User –basic user role that is assigned to every user and allows them to log in to the system.  Other roles can be assigned to each user as needed.  Students are users that have been provided a code that allows access to the appropriate assessment. Student user assessment results are anonymous unless the individual assessment reports have been purchased.  
Instructor/Proctor – the person(s) who monitors and assists the student users in taking an assessment.  
Executive – user that has privileges to purchase assessment materials for a group(s).  This user is assigned automatically when a user registers using the Order Now button.  If the user information for this type of user ever requires updating, please contact CFT support.  It is recommended that only one person be designated to purchase NCEA materials to avoid confusion on ordering and billing.  
Manager – user that has privileges to view reports for completed assessments.  The first user of this type is assigned while the details for the new group are being added.  If this user needs to be updated or more Manager users are required, contact support.  

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