How do I place an order?

How do I place an order?

Order for Individual Schools/Parishes
These instructions apply when a single school or parish is ordering the assessment materials for the use of one organization.  Contact client support when purchasing materials for multiple schools and/or parishes. 
Only users that have been assigned the Executive role may purchase assessment materials.  
Click the <Order Now> button on the homepage or dashboard to access the store.  
Select the materials and add them to the cart.  
Proceed to check out.  
A receipt for the completed purchase will be received via email for credit card purchases.  Please note that the credit card charge will be from CD2 Learning, LLC the parent company of Catholic Faith Technologies.  
When using a purchase order, an invoice will be sent US Mail.  
Orders for Diocese or Multiple Schools/Parish
The first step to implement the IFG ACRE program in a diocese or for multiple schools/parishes is to contact support at to discuss specific needs.  For example, a diocese may order the assessment materials for a group of schools.  There will be special roll-up reports to show results across the group of schools/parishes.  Another common situation is when a school and parish order together.  There may be others.  Review the information below for the steps to setup diocese and multiple school/parish orders as well as the additional reporting information available. 
After discussing the needs with support, gather purchasing information using the diocesan order form.  For convenience,  this spreadsheet form is accessible through the NCEA site or can be emailed by support.  
Once the spreadsheet is complete, email it to and a team member will assist with the setup up all of the schools/parishes in the group.  
Below is an example of the spreadsheet form used to gather purchasing information.

Diocesan reports are roll up reports that show results for each school.  Below is an example of the report.  

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